Monday, September 25, 2006

New and Renewing Memberships

It's time for new and renewing UCMA applications for 2007. You can print out and complete the attached application form (click here). Mail the completed form to Dave Burkum, 1337 Cleveland Ave, St. Paul, MN 55108. Be sure to enclose your check for $20, payable to UCMA. You can also just hand deliver the form and check to Dave at one of our upcoming UCMA Lunch Meetings.

If you don't remember if you need to apply or renew, go to our member roster page. If you are not listed, you are not currently a member. If you are listed, look for the membership year under your name. If it says "2006" for the membership year, you need to renew.

If you have any questions, contact Dave Burkum.