Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Thank You Int'l Student & Scholar Services

We thank Dr. Alisa Eland (Assistant Director for Advising and Counseling), Dr. Barbara Kappler (Assistant Director for Programming and Training), and Dr. Mohammed Bari (Assistant Director) for speaking at our April 25th Lunch Meeting at Stadium Village Church. We appreciated the insights, suggestions, and concerns they shared with our members.

Thanks to Dr. Robert Osburn (MacLaurin Institute) for arranging and leading the meeting.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Begin or Renew UCMA Memberships

If you would like to be a part of the University Christian Ministry Association, now is the time to begin or renew your membership. Membership dues are $20 for now through the end of December 2006. For more information about UCMA membership or application information, contact Dave Burkum or attend an upcoming UCMA Lunch Meeting.